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OCS on public cloud transforms 1Global’s business inside and out

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Case Study in Numbers

CI/CD Pipeline

replaced over 5,000 manual tests with

automated refactored test cases

CapEx Eliminated

almost completely on public cloud

60% TCO Savings

on public cloud as compared to on-premise setup

Why is TCO Comparison the Best Way to Evaluate Costs and Savings?

1Global (previously Truphone) implemented Optiva’s cloud-native online charging system (OCS) on the public cloud based on TM Forum’s ODA and Open APIs. Time from kickoff to production was just five months — one-fourth the industry standard.

Want to practically eliminate CapEx and save ~60% on TCO? Download the case study and discover how.

1Global (previously Truphone) and Optiva are finalists in the 2020 TM Forum Excellence Awards for implementing the telecom industry’s first charging engine with cloud-native, open architecture on public cloud.


Business challenges and results:

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Traditional BSS transformation projects typically range from 18 to 24 months — in some cases, it can take up to five years to complete. Apart from the excessive amount of customization that has to be done, the hardware procurement process for an on-prem private cloud infrastructure alone adds six months to the project, while end-to-end acceptance testing for a monolith application typically takes another six months on average.


Steffens explain:

“In a traditional database environment, when you have an increase in the number of user queries, it starts to scale vertically, which works up to a certain level. After that, the customer experience starts to suffer unless the database can scale horizontally,”

DOWNLOAD the flie to know more.

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